PanARMENIAN.Net - On Saturday, November 6, several dozens activists of the Organization for Karabakh Liberation and the United Azerbaijan National Front Party picketed the Office of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly in Baku, Caucasian Knot reports. The picketers protested against the meeting of the representatives of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly of Karabakh and Azerbaijan as well as against the meeting of the representatives of Azerbaijani, Georgian and Armenian NGOs taken place in Tbilisi in August, when the parties agreed on formation of a NGO consortium for the restoration of peaceful life in the region. The picketers, considering the statements as betrayal of national interests and shouting out slogans like "Shame to the betrayers", "Away with pro-Armenian Helsinki Assembly" began to egg the HCA Office. Analogous incident took place in Gyandzha on the same day. Chairperson of the Azerbaijani Committee of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly Arzu Abdullayeva stated the action as a provocation and "political order". "We think that the OKL activities do not approach but alienate Karabakh from us", the human rights defender said.
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