Amazon to establish new center in London

Amazon to establish new center in London

PanARMENIAN.Net - Internet giant Amazon is to open a new center in London, housing teams of design and development staff, according to The Evening Standard.

Hundreds of employees will be based at the site, including software development engineers and graphic designers, focusing on creating interactive digital services for TVs, games consoles, smartphones and computers.

Amazon spokesman Paula Byrne said: "London is a hotbed of tech talent and testament to that fact is Amazon choosing the capital as the location for the new global digital media development center. Innovation is part of the Amazon DNA and we are creating a British center of excellence to design and develop the next generation of TV and film services for a wide range of digital devices."

Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: "I am thrilled to welcome Amazon's fantastic new international digital center to London. For this wildly successful and dynamic company to choose our city to site such an important facility is a splendid feather in our cap. We know we have the talent, the space and infrastructure to make the most of the digital economy - this will be my prime message during Games-time, as I seek to woo even more companies for the capital, delivering jobs and growth for Londoners. Amazon's investment propels us well up the league table of global tech cities and we thank them for their vote of confidence."

The center will house existing staff when it opens, although an Amazon spokesman said it is a growing company which may recruit more workers in future.

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