Matthew McConaughey joins Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street”

Matthew McConaughey joins Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street”

PanARMENIAN.Net - Hot off Magic Mike, Matthew McConaughey has signed on to play the role of Mark Hanna in The Wolf of Wall Street, directed by Martin Scorsese, Deadline said.

Red Granite is financing the adaptation of Jordan Belfort’s best-selling memoir The Wolf of Wall Street, on which the film is based and is financing the film.

McConaughey’s character, Mark Hanna, is the early boss and mentor of Belfort, who’s played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Jonah Hill, Jean Dujardin, Rob Reiner, Kyle Chandler, Margot Robbie, Jon Bernthal also star. Terry Winter wrote the script. McConaughey just opened in the William Friedkin-directed Killer Joe.

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