Rep. Schiff: Artsakh can’t be allowed to fall into Aliyev's hands

Rep. Schiff: Artsakh can’t be allowed to fall into Aliyev's hands

PanARMENIAN.Net - U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, a long-time supporter of self-determination for the people of Nagorno Karabakh said he believes that “unless the United States and its Minsk Group partners take concerted efforts to resolve the status of Nagorno Karabakh in a way that reflects the will of the people of Artsakh, the prospect for renewed fighting and horrific casualties will grow.”

“It is in everybody’s interest to see this matter settled and it should be a diplomatic priority for 2013,” Rep. Schiff said in a statement published by Asbarez.

“Years of fighting and economic isolation have left Nagorno Karabakh seriously underdeveloped. With the assistance of the Armenian-American community, I have been pressing for USAID to devote more assistance to Artsakh. While I have succeeded in getting the amount for next year more than doubled (to $5 million) in the State Department funding bill pending in the House of Representatives, the need is much greater and more aid will be necessary,” he said.

“Building a strong, independent Artsakh is only half of the equation, however. Azerbaijan must also be reminded that the price for its actions is high. Azerbaijan treasures the security assistance that it receives from Washington, not because it needs the money (it does not), but because it signifies a certain closeness in the bilateral relationship. By cutting off military aid to Azerbaijan, the United States would signal its disgust with the Safarov affair, while also reminding Aliyev that the United States will not tolerate any acts of aggression against Armenia or Artsakh.”

“The people of Artsakh – overwhelmingly Armenian and overwhelmingly Christian – cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of Aliyev. By celebrating a murderer, he and his country have shown the world their true nature and made a compelling case for hastening full recognition of independent Artsakh,” Rep. Schiff concluded.

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