AFFMA to host Zadik Zadikian’s exhibits in Nov

AFFMA to host Zadik Zadikian’s exhibits in Nov

PanARMENIAN.Net - This month, the Arpa Foundation for Film Music and Art (AFFMA) will host two exhibits featuring the works of renowned artist, Zadik Zadikian.

The first is this Sunday, November 4. AFFMA will host an exclusive preview of the artist's work. Next Sunday, November 11, AFFMA will continue to showcase the artist's work which includes both paintings and sculptures. At both events, AFFMA patrons will have the opportunity to meet artist, Zadik Zadikian, in person.

Since his early gilded interior installations and minimal stacks of gold-leafed bricks, created in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Zadikian has continued to create objects of desire, sculpted in gold leaf and electroplated bronze and Hydrocal.

Zadikian has built a career around the historical properties of fetishized objects and the mystical powers of gold, recalling Egyptian, Assyrian, Armenian, Persian and Helenistic cultures. The artist lives and works in Los Angeles.

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