Argentine Vice President, Armenian envoy discuss expansion of ties

Argentine Vice President, Armenian envoy discuss expansion of ties

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian ambassador to Argentina Vahagn Melikyan met with the country’s Vice President, Senate Chair Amado Boudou on Tuesday, Nov 6.

The parties focused on interparliamentary ties, stressing the importance of boosting activities of Armenian and Argentinean parliamentary friendship groups.

The Vice President emphasized the importance of boosting ties in scientific and cultural sectors, with the envoy noting that a memorandum of cooperation between the University of Buenos Aires and Yerevan State Linguistic University is being discussed.

Also, a visit to Armenia of José Lino Barañao, the Argentinean Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation is planned to expand bilateral ties in the sectors of science and technology.

In conclusion, the Vice President accepted Armenian parliament speaker’s invitation to visit Yerevan.

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