Armenia wipes the floor with Azerbaijan in Dublin

Armenia wipes the floor with Azerbaijan in Dublin

PanARMENIAN.Net - The 19th meeting of OSCE ministerial council ended in Dubin, with both Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers delivering speeches. Naturally, Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement was in the focus of both speeches.

Besides “ruling out any alternative to peaceful resolution of the conflict and offering to intensify OSCE Minsk Group efforts in development of a comprehensive peace agreement” Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov came up with unfounded accusations against Armenia, such as, “Armenia reinforces status-quo by violating the OSCE regulation and uses force to maintain control over the occupied (in fact liberated) territories of Azerbaijan.”

It’s not a secret that Armenia is the guarantor of Artsakh people’s security. It’s not a secret, either that realization of Azerbaijan’s disembodied dream, i.e. transfer of Nagorno Karabakh under Baku’s control may cause nothing but a genocide, considering the killings of Armenians in Sumgait and Baku, or the axe-murder of the Armenian soldier in sleep.

Mammadyarov’s speech further went on, accusing Armenia of “hampering the intra-community dialogue, economic development of the region and attempts to erase all traces of Azerbaijani culture.”

“No intact monuments of Azerbaijani culture remained in the territories occupied (in fact liberated) by Armenia,” Mammadyarov said.

Intra-community dialogue? In contrast to Baku, Yerevan never hampered any reasonable dialogue, with visits of Azerbaijani intellectuals cited as an example.

It’s Azerbaijan and Turkey that continue illegal blockade of Armenia, blocking its participation in regional economic programs.

Azerbaijani cultural monuments? Not long ago, Azerbaijan itself unleashed a war in Artsakh, with shelling considered common during war. What about destruction of ancient Armenian cemetery in Julfa by brave Azerbaijani vandals?

Mammadyarov also mentioned Stepanakert airport in his speech, saying “it would further escalate tensions in the region.” This is not even worth a comment.

Meanwhile, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian’s speech objectively pointed to Azerbaijani attempts to foil Karabakh conflict settlement.

“It has become habitual for Azerbaijan to backtrack even on agreements to which it had previously consented to. Despite the agreement on the creation of a mechanism to investigate the ceasefire violations, as you know, Azerbaijan did everything to prevent its creation, even threatening to veto the entire OSCE budget.

This was the case again after the Sochi Summit of January of this year. Despite the reached agreement to accelerate accord on the Basic Principles for a Settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, confirmed by Los Cabos Statement, Azerbaijan by its maximalist approaches is seeking one sided advantage in the negotiating process and is doing everything possible to neglect, even to reject this agreement.

Azerbaijan is not only ignoring the expectations of the international community, but is constantly taking new steps against the values of civilized world. The latest such case is the Azeri government’s release and glorification of the murderer Safarov, who had slaughtered with an axe Armenian officer in his sleep, during a NATO program in Budapest simply because he was Armenian. The Azerbaijani leadership made him a symbol of national pride and an example to follow by youth. The world’s reaction was unanimous in condemning what was done by Baku, which has seriously undermined the Nagorno Karabakh negotiation process and endangered the fragile regional stability,” Minister Nalbandian said.

It’s noteworthy that following all the speeches at Dublin-hosted meeting, Azerbaijan exercised the right to issue a response to Minister Nalbandian’s speech, “Unfortunately, OSCE repeatedly witnessed Armenian accusations addressed to Baku. However, Mr. Nalbandian’s speech didn’t much dwell on the steps Armenia takes to settle the conflict and overcome the current difficult situation as a result of occupation of Azerbaijani lands.” This really sounds ridiculous.

In response to this, Armenian representative dubbed Baku’s additional speech a mere repetition of earlier allegations against Armenia.

Thus, the Dublin battle ended 1:0 to Armenia.

Marina Ananikyan / PanARMENIAN News
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