Delon surprised by his popularity in Armenia

Delon surprised by his popularity in Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - French cinema legend Alain Delon expressed surprise over a warm welcome and his popularity in Armenia.

“During my meeting with the Armenian President I shared my surprise at the amount of love and appreciation I discovered to be enjoying in Armenia. Even my friend, Charles Aznavour has never told me about it,” the actor told a December 18 news conference in Yerevan.

The actor arrived in Yerevan December 17 to attend the premiere of “Happy New Year, Moms!” film, produced by Ghevond Andreasyan, Georgy Malkov and Valeriy Saaryan.

The French star shared thoughts of his mother. “Everything I have and everything I achieved, be it talent or looks, I owe to my mother,” he said.

In conclusion, the actor wished Armenian people love and happiness in the coming year.

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