Martin Scorsese to direct Bill Clinton documentary

Martin Scorsese to direct Bill Clinton documentary

PanARMENIAN.Net - William Jefferson Clinton a.k.a. Bill Clinton is going to get a documentary treatment. HBO has announced that Martin Scorsese is set to direct and produce the film revolving around the 42nd President of the United States, AceShowbiz said.

The doc will be made with Clinton's full cooperation and explore his perspectives on history, politics, culture and the world. Steve Bing will team up with awards-winning filmmaker Scorsese to produce it.

"I am pleased that legendary director Martin Scorsese and HBO have agreed to do this film," says the 66-year-old Democrat, who served as the U.S. President in 1993 to 2001. "I look forward to sharing my perspective on my years as President, and my work in the years since, with HBO's audience."

HBO CEO Richard Plepler and President of HBO Programming Michael Lombardo say in a joint statement, "President Clinton is one of the most compelling figures of our time, whose world view and perspective, combined with his uncommon intelligence, make him a singular voice on the world stage."

They add, "This documentary, under Marty's gifted direction, creates a unique opportunity for the President to reflect on myriad issues that have consumed his attention and passion throughout both his Presidency and post-Presidency."

Scorsese chimes in, "A towering figure who remains a major voice in world issues, President Clinton continues to shape the political dialogue both here and around the world. Through intimate conversations, I hope to provide greater insight into this transcendent figure."

The Clinton doc will mark Scorsese's fourth collaboration with HBO. The "Hugo" director previously made documentaries "Public Speaking" (2010) and "George Harrison: Living in the Material World" (2011) for the cable channel, in addition to directing the "Boardwalk Empire" pilot.

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