Ruling Party Claims Victory in Azerbaijani Parliamentary Election

PanARMENIAN.Net - After counting 85% of votes Yeni Azerbaijan ruling party headed by President Ilham Aliyev is winning the parliamentary election. According to preliminary data, the ruling will have 63 out of 125 seats in the new parliament. Independent candidates gained 40 seats. Musavat opposition party will receive some 4 mandates. To note, about 46.83% or 2 million 183 thousand 913 voters participated in the election. The Central Election Committee says no serious violations were fixed.

Director of the American Center of Democracy Rachel Ehrenfeld and Analyst of the Institute of Democracy Dr. Radyshevski noted they observed a "more optimistic picture than they had expected. "Yesterday we observed the election in 10 polling stations and we are satisfied with the organization works. It is remarkable that each elector comprehends the importance of his vote", Rachel Ehrenfeld said. "We performed observing missions in Ukraine, Kyrghyzstan and other CIS states. I should mention that the high-level polling stations in Azerbaijan made a deep impression upon us. The voters realize their responsibility. The Azerbaijani authorities took every possibility for securing active participation of the citizens in the democratic process. I was also impressed by the big number of candidates. It proves that each ordinary citizen can engage in politics," Dr. Radyshevski stated, IA Regnum reports.
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