Merzlyakov: Time to Resume Talks

PanARMENIAN.Net - The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia), Bernard Fassier (France) and Steven Mann (US) feel they need meetings with Armenian and Azeri Presidents Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliyev, Yu. Merzlyakov reported. In his words, the Co-Chairs want to meet with the Presidents during their coming visit to the region to discuss some details. Proposals to meet in January are sent to the Presidents, he also reported. «It is time to resume the talks. After the Kazan meeting it was agreed to temporarily cease the negotiations to reconsider the earlier proposals. I suppose the talks should resume and a special meeting of the Presidents should be arranged,» the Russian diplomat said. At that Yuri Merzlyakov did not specify where or within which international forum the meeting of the Presidents is suggested to be held. To all appearance it will be known after the state leaders have come to an agreement.

According to Baku media the Azeri party is interested in continuing the talks between the Presidents as well. Nothing is known about the initiative of the Co-Chairs, Chief of the Foreign Relations Section of Azeri President's Administration Novruz Mamedov remarked when stating it. At the same time he did not rule out the opportunity that the address of the mediators is already submitted to the President: «If there is a proposal like that, we will consider it and we are interested in that meeting.» The European Union has also urged to continue the peace process and resume the dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In a respective statement the EU hoped for the parties and the OSCE MG CO-Chairs to be able to find a balanced way out in 2006. On the whole forecasts are made at various levels that next year will be marked with a positive contribution in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. It should be reminded that OSCE MG US Co-Chair Steven Mann stated the other day that activation of the peace process was possible from the beginning of 2006. The Co-Chairs are optimistic and if Armenia and Azerbaijan make steps towards a compromise «both countries may come out of the conflict as victors,» he remarked.
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