International Conference on Armenian Genocide Opens in Stockholm

PanARMENIAN.Net - An international conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is opening in Stockholm today. The event is initiated by Live History institution, coordination council of the Armenian Unions of Sweden and some other organizations. The conference has the purpose to raise issue the Genocides of Christian peoples, especially Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in 1915, in the political, public and scientific circles. "The rights of the Christian minorities in Turkey are still infringed and the intellectuals are subjected to persecutions, while Turkey has acquired a right to hold talks on accession to the EU. Not only Swedish political circles and intelligentsia, but also wide public are interested whether it is worth to spread and widely cover the truth," Chairman of the coordination council of the Armenian Unions Karo Hakobian said. Turkey's position at the conference will be presented by historian Kemal Cicek. Members of the Swedish Reichstag, political and public figures, representatives of political parties and ministers are invited to the event.
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