Ramil Safarov's Case: Azeris Try to Move to Pity Hungarian Media

PanARMENIAN.Net - Round-table discussion dedicated to the fate of lieutenant Ramil Safarov, who is awaiting trial in the Hungarian court, was held in International Press Club in Baku December 26. Opening the event the initiators read an address on behalf of Azerbaijani mass media and non-governmental organizations. The address says that the Hungarian media is biased when covering the legal proceedings against Ramil Safarov accused of murder of Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan. "We ask you to treat the problem more seriously. Presently over 30 000 people of Armenian origin live safely n Azerbaijan," the statement says. "If you have doubts over the facts mentioned by us, we are ready to organize your arrival in Azerbaijan to see the picture on your own," the statement authors say.

Azeri media and NGO representatives intend to send a video cassette to the Hungarian colleagues showing the events of the alleged «genocide in Khojaly,» of which R. Safarov was a witness. «Thereupon, it is easy to understand R. Safarov's feelings, who lost his property and was many times insulted by Gurgen Margaryan. The judge will have the last word. However, we ask you to be more attentive when writing materials over the incident. The media and NGOs play a large role in forming the public opinion. We believe that you will understand us and will acquaint the Hungarian people with our address,» the statement says. A similar statement was sent on behalf of Azeri media and NGOs to Budapest judge Mr. Andresh Vashkuti. President of ANS group of companies Vahid Mustafayev suggested creation of a Monitoring Center that will engage with the problem. «For example, two or three journalists will follow the materials of Hungarian media over Safarov's case. It is also necessary to finance the trip of our delegation to Budapest. Besides, we should not be ashamed and merely buy strips of Hungarian media, who will publish the information we need,» V. Mustafayev said.

It should be noted that during the hearing it turned out that during the events in Khojaly R. Safarov was not in Azerbaijan and thus could not witness the events in Khojaly. Moreover, according to the testimony of Anar Aliyev, another Azeri serviceman taking part in the NATO courses, there were no conflict situations between Armenian and Azeri officers. Thus, statements on «insulting Safarov» are groundless. The next hearing on Safarov's case will be held March 7, 2006.

It should be reminded that February 19, 2004 lieutenant of Armenian Armed Forces G. Margaryan sent to Budapest to take part in English language courses within the Partnership for Peace program was brutally hacked by the Azeri officer, who also took the same courses. Safarov is accused on article 116.2 of the Hungarian Criminal Code (murder committed with special cruelty and attempt at life of over one person), which provides for a punishment from 10-15 years of imprisonment to life sentence.
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