Aliyev Statement - Attempt to Fail Karabakh Talks

PanARMENIAN.Net - December 27 a round table was held at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Armenia. The participants discussed the underlying causes and goals of the call made by Azeri President Ilham Aliyev on December 14 on the 60th anniversary of NAS of Azerbaijan. It should be reminded that Aliyev had specifically urged scholars in his country to work and to make a program "to make the international community understand that Armenians came to Nagorno Karabakh - an inseparable part of Azerbaijan - as guests." "Armenians do not have the right to state that Nagorno Karabakh belonged to them in the past. We have to bring this truth clear to the international community. We should translate the books written into different languages and work more actively through the Internet," Aliyev said. He promised funds to representatives of the fundamental science.

The participants of the round table at the NAS of Armenia are prominent representatives of scientific intelligentsia. They considered the coincidence of Aliyev's statement with the time of visit of Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group to the region not casual. There was an opinion that I. Aliyev "is deliberately trying to fail the talks by radical and absurd statements like that." The representatives of the academic circles of Armenia considered inadmissible "the political order made by the President to the fundamental science." We draw the OSCE MG Co-Chairs' attention to anti-scientific and anti-Armenian provocative statements of the Azeri President. These do not promote forming an atmosphere of confidence between the parties to conflict and doubt the frankness of the intentions of the Azeri party in the settlement process," says a statement of the round table participants, addressed to countries and co-chairs of the OSCE MG.

The Armenian scholars passed a Statement, which strongly criticized the statement of the Azeri leader. The document notes that "by making that political order the President of the neighboring state in fact continues the cause started by his father in the Soviet period." "In this case open falsification of science and public paid political order to the fundamental science is the point," the Statement underscores.

The final statement notes that "under the circumstances of availability of political bondage in humanitarian and social science, forging of history of not only Armenia, but also Iran and the entire region continues in Azerbaijan at a state level - a traditional policy of "Azerbaijanization" of the cultural heritage of Indo-European and Caucasian peoples."

The event participants urged Armenian authorities, leaders of scientific and educational institutions of the country, respective specialists "to make joint efforts to counteract to continuous attempts made by Azeris at the state level and aimed at distortion of the Armenian history," reported IA Regnum.
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