PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia is the leader in the South Caucasus for the executing "Millenium Development Goals" program. UN Development Program in Armenia, coordinator of the UN programs in Armenia, ambassador Liz Christine Grande stated today. It should be noted that elimination of poverty, providing of general education, women's rights promoting, sex equality support, improvement of mothers' health, struggle against the Aids and other diseases, environment protection as well as creation of conditions for global cooperation are among the 8 Millenium Development Goals declared in 2000 at the UN summit of the Millenium. Speaking about the condition of the republic on this issue, the UN representative noted that thanks to the economic growth Armenia restricted the poverty rate from 55% to 50%, while in neighboring Georgia and Azerbaijan it is much higher. In her opinion, the level of medical treatment of the population, which makes the struggle against the Aids and malaria easier, is also far higher. Besides, as Liz Christine Grande stated, the discrimination of women does not exist in Armenia, and the sex inequality is conditioned by objective processes such as poverty, partial illiteracy of many population layers, Nagorno Karabakh conflict availability. In her opinion, the fact that despite the conflicts available in the Transcaucasus, Armenia always speaks for the establishment of cooperation with all neighbor states is also a positive factor.
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