Hungarian Society Considers Safarov's Misdeed as Inhuman Crime

PanARMENIAN.Net - "I can uniquely say that the Hungarian society is not especially interested in the details of the Karabakh conflict and R. Safarov's misdeed is only considered as a crime unprecedented from the point of view of its inhumanity, Armenian MOD representative on the case of murder of Gurgen Margaryan Hayk Demoyan stated, reported IA Regnum. "I think that event if the Azeri party starts buying newspaper strips in that country, they will not manage to conceal the truth about what happened and it will not change the public mood in Hungary. I recall the words of a Hungarian, who was present at the court hearing in May. After the announcement of the medical conclusion on the nature of the murder and fatal wounds inflicted upon Gurgen could not restrain and asked me, "Which century do Azeris live in?" It is not casual that experienced Hasan Hasanov, the Azeri Ambassador to Azerbaijan, prefers not to be present at the court hearings, understanding it is not presentable," he said.

"To keep the proprieties I will not allow myself to cite the words of a Hungarian investigator, who spoke about Safarov with obvious aversion. Let me remind of an occurrence at Voskhod Moscow hotel in August 1995, when we, the Armenians, saved Azeri girls risking our own lives, taking them out of the burning building. As a twist of fate, the girls were asleep, too. Moscow firemen, as well as anchor of Brain Ring TV program Andrey Kozlov thanked us for that, praising for the act in spite of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. However, none of Azeri men dropped a small word of gratitude to us. Moreover, they were ashamed that we saved Azeri girls instead of them," Hayk Demoyan stated.

"I will frankly confess that having seen the horrible frames of operative shooting on the site of crime, I did not even a bit sorry for our saving of asleep people irrespective of their nationality, even when I saw the hacked body myself," he summed up.
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