Russia Responsible for Alienation of Karabakh from Armenia in 1921

PanARMENIAN.Net - Being the assignee of the Soviet Union Russia is responsible for the alienation of Nagorno Karabakh from Armenia in 1992 that took place through the fault of Bolshevik Russia and consequently for the fair resolution of the Karabakh problem, President of the Society of Friendship and Cooperation with Armenia Victor Krivopuskov stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net He voiced regret over the exchange of welcome telegrams between the Foreign Ministries of Russia and Turkey on the anniversary of Moscow Treaty signed on March 16, 1921. "To put it mildly, it was odd to mark the date when the Western Armenian territories as well as the Kars region and Surmalu district belonging to Russia were conveyed to Turkey," the Russian politician said.

In his words, it was a hazardous agreement concluded without participation of representative of Armenia of that time in order to involve young Turks in the promotion of world socialist revolution in the Near East. "As result Turks behaved with traditional eastern delicacy. They not only saved Sultan Empire from division but also received from Soviet Russia new territories and succeeded in smashing Eastern Armenia to three pieces. And now it would be appropriate to renounce the historical venture of Bolshevik predecessors and keep silent. By the way I won't be surprised if October 13 our MFA will celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Kars agreement that confirmed the outcomes of the shameful Moscow agreement," Victor Krivopuskov said.
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