French Home Secretary Censured Profanation of Armenian Genocide Memorial in Lyon

PanARMENIAN.Net - French Home Secretary Nicolas Sarkozy censured the vandalism act regarding the Armenian Genocide memorial in Lyon. In his words, "this crime of violence, expresses negationism and hatred, and is unacceptable."

To remind, on April 17, seven days before the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, the steles of the Armenian Memorial set up in the town of Lyon (France), which was to be inaugurated by President Jacques Chirac, were profaned with inscriptions of insults and negationists: "There never was genocide of the Armenians". This act of vandalism followed upon the consecutive racist drifts with the ultra nationalist Turkish demonstration of last 18 March. Armenian associations and organizations (CCAF - CDCA) call the authorities of Police force to seek and sanction the persons in charge for these intolerable attacks of human dignity.

"Authors of the inscription must be severely punished," added Nicolas Sarkozy. He assures the Armenian community of its " whole solidarity ". He reminded, "the Republic has expressed its stance by the law of January 29th, 2001, according to which France recognizes publicly the Armenian Genocide of 1915." Thus, he added, "the authorities of the Republic will not admit scoffing at the law."
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