US State Department: Russia Plays Positive Role in Karabakh Talks

PanARMENIAN.Net - US Assistant Secretary Daniel Fried believes Russia «plays a very positive role» at talks over settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The US diplomat stated it in the course of discussion of the future of the US-Russian relations at Brookings Institution in Washington May 1. Fried noted that in spite of the pessimistic moods of the media and political analysts, «are no reasons for which Russia and the US could have tense relations.»

At the same time, the US «is very sorry» Russia is linked with separatists in Georgia, the Assistant Secretary said. Daniel Fried called the opinion that Georgia is a threat to Russia «not realistic.» He added the threat from destabilized Georgia, which will host terrorists on ungoverned territories, is much more, reports Mediamax.
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