PanARMENIAN.Net - Washington seconds the Istanbul declaration stipulating for withdrawal of the Russian military bases from the territory of Georgia and approves of any progress achieved in that respect. According to reports of the Azeri media, US ambassador to Azerbaijan Ross Wilson stated it when commenting on Russia's intention on partial withdrawal of the Russian contingent and equipment from the military bases in Georgia. As for the location for transferring the military contingent, in Wilson's words, it "depends on the will of these countries." In his words, "if Armenia wishes to station the troops being withdrawn from the Georgian territory, its their business." At the same time the ambassador expressed understanding of the negative perception of the step in Azerbaijan. Let us remind that, as earlier stated by chief of the general staff of the Armenian armed forces colonel general Mikayel Harutyunian, before the turn of the year the liaison battalion of the group of Russian troops in Transcaucasia will be relocated from Georgia to the territory of Armenia under the authority of the 102-nd Russian military base.
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