Semneby: European Identity May Unite Caucasus

PanARMENIAN.Net - The role of Russia in the region should not be belittled, it has its problems in the Caucasus. At the same time there are serious limitations for EU activities in the region, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby stated at South Caucasus 2006: Trends of Development, Threats and Risks international conference organized by Spectrum Center for Strategic Analysis. "I do not exaggerate these limitations, however decision-making is slower, than I would like to. Another serious matter is EU enlargement. But this should not worry either Russia, or South Caucasian states. We have a policy of assuming commitments, meeting which does not provide for a "spice-cake" in the form of compulsory EU accession. If Germany in 2007 decides to come for further enlargement of the EU, to satisfy the countries of the region we need to suggest something more, than mere membership," Semneby said.

Semneby believes that European identity may unite the Caucasus. «Regional institutes should be more incorporated in the European and Trans-Atlantic standard. Participation of Russia and Turkey is necessary in this respect,» he underscored. In his words, conflicts are a major obstacle for regional development. «South Caucasus will gain all benefits from open borders, but I repeat again that responsibility for solving the conflicts lies on the countries and peoples,» Semneby said.
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