Singing of Agreement on Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku Railroad Project Postponed

PanARMENIAN.Net - Signing of an agreement on the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railroad construction is not expected during the meeting of Azeri, Georgian and Turkish Ministers of Transport on January 12. According to Azerbaijani Ambassador to Georgia Namik Aliyev, upon final coordination of all issues the document will be submitted to the governments of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia for consideration and approval. "Majority of provisions have been already coordinated. Tomorrow the talks will be continued," he said. Azeri Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov said Azerbaijan is ready to pay its share amounting in $200 million, reports Trend news agency. It worth mentioning that the U.S. administration prohibited American companies from funding the project bypassing Armenia.
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