Turkish Hackers Attacked Belgian Defense Ministry Website

PanARMENIAN.Net - Yesterday the website of the Belgian Ministry of Defense was attacked by a group of hackers of Turkish nationality stating themselves to be the "little children of Ottoman Empire", independent journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net The main page maintained a post "Hacked by VolTigoRe - Turk Forcers". In an explanatory text, the hackers justified this attack by saying, "Turks had done nothing but defended themselves against the Armenians "who killed many Turks". "There is no Kurdish problem in Turkey", added the "hackers" also threatening "never to cease pirating your websites if you make errors as regards Turkey". Mrs Ingrid Baeck, the Spokesman of the Belgian Defense Ministry declared that an investigation had been initiated and the Ministry intends to issue a complaint against the authors of this data-processing attack.
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