If not solved, Karabakh problem can result in more global dangers

PanARMENIAN.Net - Continuous blames of sides on each other will not result in any solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The sides have their role in the situation when the process has reach a deadlock, stated German Home Office State Secretary, deputy and member of Caucasus group of Bundestag Christoph Bergner. In his words, German's official position is that borders of states are inviolable and they need respectful treatment. "Alongside, we must accept peoples right to self-determination. In this regard, as a man, who has thorough information on the problem, I would not like to justify any side," Bergner said.

He also reminded that the problem of root nation presence existed still from the former Soviet Union. "The start of struggle for independence created conflicts. It is well known fact that during Soviet Union period this problem deliberately was being settled in secret conditions. When I examine events of reconstruction and democracy period I see that the regime used to treat people and events with the help of violence and weapons. I witnessed and participated in many events, talks and discussions during my chairmanship in the Bundestag Group for friendship with Caucasus. You should take into account future common interests. They base on cooperation with the European Union. In many respects it depends on stability in the region," he said. The German Home Office State Secretary stressed he relates to people's rights to self-determination attentively, but "the most important thing is protection of territories and the issue to bring them back to former situation." "The international community and Europe lay responsibilities on us. Karabakh conflict is one of such problems, which have influence from Arab countries till Africa. We must solve this problem by all means. Otherwise it can enlarge and result in more global dangers. We cannot refuse from this responsibility, he underscored, APA reports.
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