Nicolas Sarkozy is threatened with terror acts

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Group on Struggle against Terrorism under the Paris Court has began to study e-mails, the authors of which inform about a planning terror act against French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy. Authors of suspicious messages assure a terror act against Sarkozy will be committed on Thursday during his visit to Lyons.

The investigation was launched after editorial office of TV5 channel, as well as the administration of Social Party informed about the received letters in the following form. "Sarkozy - terror act - Lyon - April 5, 2007".

The close circle of ex-Minister for Interior Affairs and the presidential candidate, as well as the ruling party of National Movement are avoiding of making comments. Specialists for the struggle against terrorism are trying to identify authors of messages. Sources in police assure still there is nothing that would indicate that really a terror act is being prepared against Sarkozy.

Sarkozy, who on March 26 left the post of Interior Minister, is going to visit Lyon on Thursday in the framework of electoral campaign. He is one of the favorites in presidential campaign of France, RIA "Novosti" reports.
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