April 26, 2007 - 17:45 AMT
Ara Abramian sent letter to UN Sec. Gen. in connection with exhibition on Rwandan Genocide
"Remaining as Your well-wisher and invariably having a profound respect, I have to turn to You with a question concerning Turkey's inadmissible infringement of UN's indisputable right to make this or that decision, which exclusively are under Secretary General's competency," says the letter of Ara Abramian, President of the Union of Armenians in Russia (UAR) addressed to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Ara Abramian underlines Turkey's demand to cancel opening of the planned exhibition in the UN Headquarters dedicated to the 13th anniversary of Rwandan Genocide. "And this is just because organizers of the exhibition mentioned about mass killings of Armenians in Turkey. By doing this they just wanted to indicate that impunity of this crime contributed further crimes against humanity - the Jewish Genocide, massacres of Tutsi tribes in Rwanda, mass killings in Sudan and others. The canceled exhibition was due to tell just about this indisputable fact. It touched upon the first genocide in the 20th century - mass killings of more than half a million of Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey. Armenian Genocide in Turkey is an indisputable fact that the international community has recognized when it was being committed. It does not need any additional historical researches," Ara Abramian says.

According to him, we can somehow understand treatment of some countries which declaring their loyalty to the world order are trying to review the established fact of committing the first full scale crime against mankind and humanity. "There can be no justification for pushing to this road the UN, one of basic goals of which is to prevent such crimes. In our times mention about crimes against humanity in the past has a great educational importance. Using its whole moral authority, by all means the United Nations must assist this exclusively important activity in its various forms," the head of UAR underlines in his letter expressing assurance that the Secretary General will not allow modern patrons of this crime to associate good name with oblivion of this shameful act."

The exhibition dedicated to the 13th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide, organized in UN by Aegis Trust, a British organization was canceled under Turkey's pressures, which continues to deny the Armenian Genocide of 1915.