Bush welcomes Putin's proposal, but is not going to refuse from plans to place air defense system in Europe

PanARMENIAN.Net - At the meeting between U.S. and Russian Presidents in George Bush's home in Kennebunkport, Maine, Vladimir Putin offered to broaden the number of participants in consultations over air defense of Europe. The Russian leader proposed to enlarge the number of parties involved in the consultations "at the expense of European countries, and it is necessary to do that on the bases of Russia-NATO Council". V. Putin also reminded G. W. Bush the agreement, which "was reached several years ago". It supposes creation of an information exchange center on missile launches in Moscow or a European capital.

"A similar center may be established in one of European capitals, particularly in Brussels, and it might be a closed system, which would work in the real time regime," Putin said. At the same time he offered to share the use of not only the Gabala radar station, but also the early missile warning station in the south of Russia, which currently is still under construction. "In this case there will be no need in placing new stations in Europe -a radar in the Czech Republic and a shock-brigade in Poland," V. Putin said.

Bush welcomed his Russian counterpart's proposal on "establishing a regional concept of air defense system". However, he stated that the United States is not going to refuse from the plans to place his ownair defense system in Eastern Europe.

Presidents of both countries also discussed the Iranian nuclear problem. "We are close to the point to sent a decisive message to Iran," George Bush stated. During the joint press conference Bush said about Putin, "Sometimes he says something that I would not like to hear. But I know he always tells me the truth." The U.S. President underlined that even in case of serious differences they continue to show mutual respect towards each other, Lenta.ru reports.
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