Soli Ozel: If Turkey opened border with Armenia, it would have much more influence on Armenia than it has today

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian issue will be a priority for the new government because it's blocking our international relations, says Soli Ozel, a senior lecturer in international relations and political science at Istanbul Bilgi University, specializing in Turkey's relations with the United States.

"There has been talk that the Turkish government should do something about the border with Armenia. Some say Armenians should do something before Turkey does something," he said.

The only reason why Turkey would not do such a thing is because of Azerbaijan and the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, according to him. "If Turkey were to open the [border] gate with Armenia, it would have much more influence on Armenia than it has today. Secondly, it will be better able to explain its position, because many foreigners do not know of our unofficial ties between Yerevan and Turkey. And finally, border towns want the borders to be opened because they suffer economically. I think we should also reason it out with the Azeris as well and get on with life. This would be enough to help Turkey with the Armenian resolution," he said, Today's Zaman reports.
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