Russia, Iran and China are Turkey's real allies?

PanARMENIAN.Net - During the EU summit in December, French President Nicolas Sarkozy will lead the campaign for blocking Turkey's accession to the European Union, said Bulent Aliriza, director of the Turkey Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. According to him, Turkey's real allies are Russia, Iran and China but not Europe and the U.S.

"Even the military call for distance from Europe and U.S. and closing with Russia despite numerous wars between Turkey and Russia in the past. Turkish politicians also stand for closing with Iran, a shiite republic (which is an antithesis to sunni Turkey with its secular regime) as well as with China, which has maintained communism as a state regime up to present day," he said.

In the expert's opinion, Turkey will use relations with Russia and Iran as a trump card in the game with Washington and Brussels. "Turkey may change accents in the foreign policy only if something extraordinary happens. It might be complete rejection of Turkey by Europe or passage of the Armenian Genocide resolution by the U.S. Congress. Otherwise, I do not expect fundamental changes," Aliriza said.

"Some experts think that if Turkey is not accessed to the EU a new strategic triangle Washington-Tel Aviv-Ankara will emerge. However, it's still an exaggeration. Turkey will maintain good relation with the Muslim states by virtue of religion," he said, reports.
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