Turkish MP speaks of necessity of 1915 events recognition

PanARMENIAN.Net - For the first time in history a member of the Turkish parliament recognized the 1915 events and spoke of restitution of the despoiled property, independent French journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net

In an interview with journalist Raffí Arax recently, Turkish MP Mehmet Ufuk Uras said, "We committed a terrible massacre against Armenians and Turkey must recognize it. It's not important how we name this calamity: genocide, ethnic purification, etc. The most important thing is that a terrible massacre was committed and it is undeniable."

"We must face up to the history, bandage the wounds, develop the relations with Armenia, defend our Armenian compatriots and restore what was the property of their ancestors. I come from the area of Durig close to Sebastia where I heard the truth from my parents," he said.

"We are confident that with the negationism will drive to nothing," he resumed.

The Armenian community of Istanbul endorsed Uras at the recent parliamentary elections.
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