September 16, 2002 - 19:06 AMT
In his speech at the 57-th session of the UN General Assembly Armenian foreign minister Vardan Oskanian paid special attention to regional problems, namely to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Speaking about the recent elections held in NKR, the Armenian foreign ministry head noted that "in spite of the fact that elections and democracy do not provide for any status, self-determination is always more legal, if accompanied by democratic processes." In his words, "the international community seemed to understand, often welcomed and sometimes asserted that the electoral democratic processes are important exactly in the regions, whose legal status is not determined yet and which are within the self-determination of an existing state." "We cannot perceive why such far-seeing approaches should be rejected in case of Nagorno Karabakh, where self-governance has already existed for 10 years," - V.Oskanian said. Answering his Azeri counterpart's groundless accusations addressed towards Armenia, V.Oskanian emphasized that "Azerbaijan has a choice opportunity: either to continue with crude delusional manipulation and hope for a return to a historical, military and political situation that is long gone, or to join the international community, through the offices of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen, to continue in the hard search for peace." Whether we consider history or geography, whether we adopt a long-term political perspective, or whether we face the reality of the facts on the ground, the people of Nagorno Karabakh have earned the right to live peacefully on their historic lands," - V.Oskanian stated.