Alexander Iskandaryan: Karabakh conflict sides continue fighting by other means

PanARMENIAN.Net - Nothing extraordinary happened during the Sargsyan-Aliyev meeting in Saint Petersburg, according to an Armenian expert.

"The core of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is in the region itself and nowhere else. Nothing can change the format of relations now. Certain military, human and historical balance of forces was established during 20 years. The sides are trying to continue the war by other means, for example, economic blockade and saber-rattling on Azerbaijan's part. Talks are also a constituent of this war. The degree of compromise doesn't please any of the sides. Azerbaijan doesn't give up attempts to bring to nothing the 20-year struggle of Karabakhi Armenians' for self-determination while Armenia wants to fix the status quo. The Karabakh conflict is rather political than legal," Caucasus Institute Director Alexander Iskandaryan said during Yerevan-Moscow-Baku television space bridge.

"Kosovo's independence is a vivid example of self-determination bypassing the international law. There are no expectations for a serious breakthrough in Karabakh talks in the near future," the Armenian political scientist said.
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