ECHR obliges Turkey to pay compensation to Istanbul-based Armenian foundations

PanARMENIAN.Net - The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled Tuesday that Turkey violated the property rights of two Armenian foundations in Istanbul.

The Board of Governors of the Samatya Surp Kevork Armenian Church, School and Cemetery and the Foundation for the Armenian Hospital in Yedikule appealed to the Strasbourg-based court claiming the decision taken by Turkish courts setting aside their title to property acquired as a donation, violated their property rights under the European Human Rights Convention.

The two Armenian foundations were established by Imperial Decree in 1832 under the Ottoman Empire and founded under modern Turkish law.

According to the ruling, Turkey must return the titles of all properties to each foundation and pay compensation of 600,000 euro to the Samatya Foundation and 275,000 euro to the Yedikule Foundation.

The charter of both foundations complies with the provisions of the Lausanne Treaty affording protection to foundations that provide public services for religious minorities.

The ECHR said Turkey had violated the protection of property rights defined under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 of the convention, Hurriyet Daily News reports.
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