Remains of three Karabakh soldiers discovered in the past day

Remains of three Karabakh soldiers discovered in the past day

PanARMENIAN.Net - The remains of three victims of the Nagorno-Karabakh war were recovered from the region of Martuni on Tuesday, March 16, Karabakh authorities report. The bodies belong to servicemen, they will be identified through a DNA analysis.

The Armenian rescue teams will continue the search for the bodies and remains of the victims in Hadrut on Thursday, Karabakh's Emergency Service added.

Since November 13, the rescue teams have found the bodies and remains of 1502 people, including dozens of civilians, who had failed to leave their homes when their settlements went under Azerbaijan's control. Family members and parents of missing soldiers were participating in the process too.

The mission was temporarily suspended for several days due to bad weather and poor visibility.

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