ACUSA celebrates the 140th anniversary of Komitas

PanARMENIAN.Net - In the Gulbenkian hall of the Cilicia Museum, ACUSA honoured the memory of the great composer, ethnographer, musicologist and monk, Komitas VartabedCommunication and Information Department Catholicosate of Cilicia reports.

In her opening speech, the President of ACUSA introduced the artist, who inspired many musicians and began a renaissance in Armenian musicology. She noted that Komitas Vartabed contributed greatly to the creation and codification of ancient Armenian spiritual music and peasants' melodies. Among his many compositions, the chorals and the Batarak (liturgy) remain outstanding. Following this introduction, the students of the Ganatchayan Music School presented the works of the musician in concert. Archbishop Komitas Ohanian concluded the evening by paying homage to the great Vartabed of the Armenian Church, who purified Armenian music by eliminating foreign influences.
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