U.S. recognition of Genocide to provide unprecedented momentum to Turkey-Armenia dialogue

PanARMENIAN.Net - On April 3, 2009, more than 340 European -Armenian organizations signed a letter to President Obama, before his visit to Turkey, inviting the U.S. President to recognize the Armenian Genocide, reported the European Armenian Federation (EAFJD).

The letter says:

"Dear Mr. President,

In January 2008, you declared your firm conviction "that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence." You further said that the facts of the Armenian Genocide are undeniable emphasizing that "an official policy that calls on diplomats to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy". In September and October 2008, you confirmed your commitment to support the adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution in Congress. You also affirmed: "As President, I will recognize the Armenian Genocide." Mr. President, as Europeans of Armenian descent, we salute you for these wise, unwavering, forward-looking and courageous statements.

Europeans hail with hope and enthusiasm these positions rooted in sound moral principles and consider the universal recognition of the Armenian Genocide a moral requirement and - given the sad repetition of mass crimes such as in Darfur today - an urgent political imperative for all mankind.

Mr. President, we cannot overlook the efforts, presently under way, by entities that do not share your vision of humanity and that aim to prevent your administration from pursuing these progressive policies which would restore the leading role of the United States in this vital field. In this regard, your impending visit to Turkey has profound symbolism that will not be lost to Europeans who are currently weighing the moral and political cost of the proposed Turkish membership in the European Union.

Given the mission of change that your presidency represents and given your principled stance, we would like to assure you that:

- The European Armenians, as well as the large democratic mainstream of Europe's civil society, will continue to strongly oppose Turkey's membership in the EU for as long as the Turkish state denies the Armenian Genocide, promotes racism and pursues a policy of discrimination towards its minorities.

- The commitment you have made to recognize, as President, the Armenian Genocide and to support the passage of the Armenian Genocide resolution in Congress will not only set the record straight, but also it will unleash the momentum of true change and democratization inside Turkey; a momentum which must lead to an ultimate recognition of this mass crime by Turkey itself.

- The U.S. recognition will also provide an unprecedented momentum to the process of dialogue between Turkey and Armenia. It will make clear that denial of this crime against humanity will no longer be supported and that the way forward will definitely require of Turkey and of all concerned in the region a fundamental commitment to just peace.

In contrast, we are convinced that any retreat by the United States at this defining moment would be interpreted by genocide-perpetrating governments as full license to continue their bloody acts and criminal complicities, as witnessed in Turkey's recent support for the Sudanese president who is under arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court.

For this reason, now more than ever, Europeans are united in their support for you in your Wilsonian resolution to recognize, this April 24th, the Armenian Genocide and to quickly advance a vote for the resolutions in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States."
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