RankingRoyals: Yerevan ranked 21st in fresh safety report

RankingRoyals: Yerevan ranked 21st in fresh safety report

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian capital of Yerevan has landed in the 21 spot of RankingRoyals’ latest edition of a report on the safest cities around the world.

To measure a city’s safety, the Index ranked 424 cities around the world considering the following factors:

– The level of crime

– Safety walking during daylight and night

– Mugging or robbery and car stolen

– Physically attacked by strangers

– Insulted or pestered by anybody

– Physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion,

– People using and dealing drugs

– Property and violent crimes

Based on these factors, cities receive a score between 0 and 100. With a score of 78.2, Yerevan is sandwiched between Ljubljana, Slovenia and Groningen, Netherlands. Abu Dhabi is rated as the world’s safest city.

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