Rasim Musabekov: Agreement between Armenia and Turkey is only a declaration of intent

PanARMENIAN.Net - "I'm unaware of exact contents of Armenian-Russian agreement. Still, as far as I understand, it's not a binding agreement but only a declaration of intent, some type of a route map for normalization of Armenian -Turkish ties," Azeri politologist Rasim Musabekov told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

The statement Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan made in Turkish Parliament, stipulated for synchronization of ties' normalization and opening of borders with progress in Karabakh conflict settlement. "If presented in this manner, the steps will not arise Azerbaijan's negative reaction. Time has come for effective steps that could turn South Caucasus region into a zone of stability and collaboration. So we must use the chances we currently have," Musabekov stressed.

On Apr. 22, 2009, Armenia and Turkey, through the intermediary of Switzerland, conducted intensive work towards normalization and development of ties in the spirit of neighborliness and mutual respect, promoting establishment of peace, safety and stability in the region, joint statement of RA and Turkish Foreign Ministries and Swiss Foreign Affairs Federal Department says.

Both countries achieved significant progress and understanding in the process and agreed about mutually acceptable limits for ties' normalization providing a positive perspective for continuation of the process, RA MFA reported.
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