State Employment Agency to deal with unemployment issues

PanARMENIAN.Net - Every year RA State Employment Agency elaborates a program on mitigating social pressure consequences at the employment market. "Since the beginning of 2009, the agency has undertaken several measures towards mitigating global crisis consequences," Artak Simonyan, Deputy Head of the Agency, told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Mr. Simonyan said that since the beginning of current year, 46 individuals were involved in the "Partial Compensation Program", including 12 physically challenged. "Partial compensation is a salary incentive for the employer and gives employment opportunities to uncompetitive individuals," Mr. Simonyan said, adding that the 175 individuals involved in the program in 2007-2008 continue working now.

Within the framework of the program on providing "Financial assistance to unemployed individuals and individuals with disabilities in organizing entrepreneurial activity", the agency organizes consultations for the individuals desiring to set up their own business and covers registration-related expenses. "In the frames of the program, we have involved 14 individuals currently engaged in entrepreneurial activity," Deputy Head of the Agency reported.

Mr. Simonyan also said that there are currently 71 individuals participating in the "Professional training" program.

Touching upon activities in the social sector, Mr. Simonyan dwelled on "Paid Public Services" program. In the frameworks of the program, 107 events were organized on the initiative of Yerevan Mayor and Provincial Governors. "The program is implemented in all Armenian regions except Ararat. People in many regions are looking forward to its implementation, as it might partially relieve social tension in rural families," Mr. Simonyan noted.

According to the agency report, the unemployment rate in Armenia made up 6.8% as of April 1, 2009.
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