Kim Kardashian weighs in on Baku’s ethnic cleansing of Karabakh Armenians

Kim Kardashian weighs in on Baku’s ethnic cleansing of Karabakh Armenians

PanARMENIAN.Net - Reality TV star and beauty mogul Kim Kardashian has shared a message about the war in Israel, also weighing on Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“A message to my Jewish friends and family. I love you. I support you. I have heard about how scared you feel during this time and I want you to know you are not alone in this,” Kardashian said on Instagram.

“My heart is broken seeing the videos of these babies and families being terrorized and murdered in front of the whole world!

“As an Armenian, I am particularly sensitive to these issues because I have been talking about the Armenian genocide for years, and now after months of blockade with minimal media coverage and no external support, Armenians are the victims of an ethnic cleansing themselves in Artsakh.

“They are in this moment also suffering from an extreme humanitarian crisis and there are still prisoners of war being held captive or missing.

“No matter whose side you are on, or how you have been triggered by the horrors of these past few days, our hearts should always have room for compassion towards innocent victims caught in the crosshairs of warring over power, politics, religion, race and ethnicity.

“Although I know there is nothing I can do to personally get rid of the pain of those who are suffering, my family and I are praying for the safe return of hostages, for those that have died and their affected families, for peace for all the innocent and for the perpetrators of this indefensible violence to be brought to justice.

“My call to action today, something that we can all do, is simply to reach out to your friends, colleagues and those in your community, those who are hurting, no matter what side they are on, check in on them and tell them you love them.”

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