Georgia's “main goal is to establish peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan”

Georgia's “main goal is to establish peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan”

PanARMENIAN.Net - Georgian parliament speaker Shalva Papuashvili has declared that the main goal and task of Georgia is to establish peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"I am glad that there are positive developments in this regard for the signing of a peace agreement. I hope that it will be implemented as soon as possible, as it is in our shared interest to make our region an area of peace and security," Papuashvili said, Sputnik Georgia reports (via Armenpress).

According to Georgian parliament speaker, Georgia has always been a country that has given friendly Armenia and Azerbaijan an opportunity to meet for substantive discussions, maintaining neutrality towards both countries.

On September 19, Azerbaijan launched a military offensive against Nagorno-Karabakh, which left hundreds of Armenians killed and thousands of others displaced. On September 20, the authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh agreed to a ceasefire on Azerbaijan’s terms, including the dissolution of the Defense Army. On September 18, President of the Republic of Artsakh Samvel Shahramanyan signed a decree, according to which the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) will cease to exist by January 1, 2024. Over 100,000 displaced residents have already fled Nagorno-Karabakh and reached Armenia.

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