Azerbaijan turns Armenian church into dumping ground

Azerbaijan turns Armenian church into dumping ground

PanARMENIAN.Net - Construction in the Nagorno-Karabakh town of Shushi has damaged the archaeological remains of the 1838 Meghretsots Holy Mother of God church. A Nov. 3 satellite image shows that demolition debris (arrow A) was recently dumped on the foundations of the old church, likely using heavy machinery.

CHW first noted damage to the northern wall in April 2021 (arrow B; see Report #1). Subsequent satellite images (not shown) indicate no change to the area apart from vegetation growth. Now, the demolition of nearby buildings (arrow C) has turned this cultural site into a dumping ground.

According to an inscription, the church was founded in 1838. Damaged in the Soviet era (only the tabernacle and sacristies remained), in the 1960s it became a movie theater. Excavations in 2017 exposed the original foundations beneath asphalt.

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