Diversification of Armenian army irreversible – Minister

Diversification of Armenian army irreversible – Minister

PanARMENIAN.Net - The process of diversifying the purchase of weapons is irreversible, Defense Minister Suren Papikyan said in an interview with the Public Television on Friday, February 2.

According to him, the decision to start this process was made after Azerbaijan’s aggression in September 2022.

“We have achieved considerable success and significant progress in this. And this process is no longer reversible, since it has already entered the stage of concluding agreements. They will significantly change the quality of weapons,” Papikyan noted.

As the minister noted, the acquisition of weapons also presupposes certain training, in particular knowledge of languages and adaptation.

“Our army is going through this phase, difficult but important,” the minister said.

Regarding agreements on arms supplies, the head of the defense department said that Armenia has acquired new partners. First of all, he said, these are India and France, but there are others that he did not name.

Papikyan also noted that he intends to introduce military uniforms in the armed forces according to NATO standards. He added that a competition to develop such a military uniform was announced back in 2022. The minister emphasized that at this stage we are talking about field uniforms.

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