Armenia arrests Azerbaijani soldier after attempted infiltration

Armenia arrests Azerbaijani soldier after attempted infiltration

PanARMENIAN.Net - A soldier of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces identified as Ruslan Eldanis-oglu Penakhov, who was neutralized by servicemen of the Armenian Armed Forces on February 28, has been arrested, the Investigative Committee reports.

A preliminary investigation is still underway.

The probe focuses on Penakhov’s attempted sabotage on February 28, perpetrated “on the grounds of hatred, intolerance and enmity on national grounds, on the basis of religion, with the illegal carrying of firearms and ammunition and illegal crossing of the state border of Armenia”

Earlier, the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia reported that on February 28, at about 05:15, a serviceman of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, armed with an AKM assault rifle and 1 clip, crossed the line of contact between Armenia and Azerbaijan at the border section of the Teh community of Syunik region.

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