Lemkin Institute petition seeks release of Armenians in Azerbaijan

Lemkin Institute petition seeks release of Armenians in Azerbaijan

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Lemkin Institute is deeply concerned about the continued illegal detention of political prisoners from Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) in Azerbaijan, the Institute said in a petition on Monday, May 27.

“We urge immediate action and call for Azerbaijani President to release all Armenians currently being held in Baku. Their detention is a gross violation of international law,” the Institute said.

“By signing this petition, you can take action to restore the rights of Artsakh Armenians being held by Baku, as well as Armenian POWs and civilian hostages in #Azerbaijan, some of whom have been held illegally for years.”

Former Karabakh leaders and dozens of other Armenians are still incarcerated in Azerbaijan.

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