NKR President congratulates Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan with his 70th birthday

PanARMENIAN.Net - On 22 May Artsakh's Hero, major-general Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan (Komandos) became 70. As NKR President's Central Information Department reported, in connection with his 70th birthday legendary hero was congratulated by the president of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan. His congratulatory letter reads as follows:

"On behalf of the people of Artsakh people and myself I cordially congratulate you on a glorious jubilee. 70 years are a good opportunity to valuate life. Indeed, you have right to be proud of your life and activities, services and devotion displayed to the Motherland and your compatriots. Your contribution to the liberation of Artsakh, formation of the Armenian Army and its further strengthening is invaluable. Your audacity and courage is a glaring example of patriotism for the young generation. I congratulate you once again and wish good health, happiness, and long life. All the best to you!"
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