IFC gives Armenia a good mark for attracting foreign investments

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia has received a good mark for its efforts aimed at attracting foreign investment. That was an outcome of a new report of the International Financial Corporation (IFC). The survey conducted by IFC has covered 181 countries.

According to the report, among former Soviet countries Latvia and Lithuania have had highest performances. Moldavia and Armenia received good marks. The rest received 'satisfactory' marks (Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia and Uzbekistan). Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan were estimated as having "weak results", while Kyrgiz Republic, Russia and Belorussia as having "very weak results".

The report assessed the work of professional governmental agencies, and not all countries have them. Among world powers no country has received excellent marks. The work of China, which has attracted a huge amount of investments within last decades, is considered "weak", India's efforts as "very weak". The U.S. is between "good" and "satisfactory" levels.

The Austrian business agency was recognized as the best institution to attract foreign investments. Dania, Sweden, Germany and Canada also have showed good performances.
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