Nranyan: True picture of Armenia's economy deformation has been revealed due to crisis

PanARMENIAN.Net - True picture of Armenia's economy deformation has been revealed due to the crisis, told ARF Dashnaktsutyun deputy of the RA National Assembly Ara Nranyan a press conference.

According to him, it is early to speak about crisis in Armenia. "There are two opinions in respect to the crisis. According to the first one, this is the regular capitalist crisis, which will be overcome within three or four years. As of the second opinion, this is a system crisis, which has proved imperfection of the economical mechanism and the international system, existing in the world," said Mr. Nranyan, mentioning that after the crisis the world will heavily change.

According to Mr. Nranyan, Armenia has tangible problems related to domestic trade due to governmental pressure on local producers. Mainly food and mining industries are developed in the country, ensuring the most part of the export, although mining industry has recently experienced a sharp downturn. "The Government should support and protect the economy of our country," Ara Nranyan said.
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