NKR -Azeri border issue is being solved by Artsakh authorities

PanARMENIAN.Net - NKR -Azeri border issue is being solved by Artsakh authorities, Heritage Party said in its statement. "NKR conflict settlement is an issue to be resolved between Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan. All the other states, offering their help in conflict settlement should act as mediators and guarantors of agreement achieved. NKR conflict settlement consists in international recognition of NKR as an independent state,'' the document says.

The statements emphasized that NKR was acknowledged as a party to the conflict in 1994 OSCE Budapest Summit. ''From1998 to present day, bilateral meetings can't be regarded as negotiation process, until formal presence of NKR as an independent state is acknowledged. Armenia can only contribute to conflict settlement,'' Heritage statement specifies.
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