Aram Khachaturian museum to host famous pianist Hayk Melikyan's concert

PanARMENIAN.Net - On October 3, Aram Khachaturian museum in Yerevan will host famous composer Hayk Melikyan's concert. The program will feature compositions by Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Skriabin, Medtner, Shostakovich, Mosolov and Shchedrin.

The program will be presented by international contests and festivals' laureate, famous pianist Hayk Melikyan.

Hayk Melikyan's first piano professors were Irina Grishinskaya and Alexander Gurgenov. Professor Gurgenov's teaching follows the great traditions of the Russian piano school, specifically that of Felix Blumenfeld and Konstantin Igumnov.

From his very first performances, Hayk Melikyan has attracted the attention of the musical world by his great technical potential and the original intellectual meaning he gives to the musical images.
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